Shakespheare love

I have always loves Shakespeare. Last year, I took the kids to see Midsummer’s Night Dream. All three of them absolutely loved it and I took their love of it and used it as a springboard to introduce them to more Shakespeare.

Recently, I checked several Shakespeare plays on cd to listen to during rest time. Andrew saw them and quickly took them to his room. He listened to the over and over again. He would spend hours in his room just to listen to the plays. Then, he started quoted Shakespeare at every opportunity. He wants me to find performances in the area so he can take me. Now David and Kathrin have given to saying “out damn spot!” I told them this was fine, as long as they also said “from Macbeth

I love how Andrew’s natural curiosity has sparked what I hope to be a lifelong love of Shakespeare and good literature. had I forced it on him, I am sure that had I forced him this would not have been the result. But, allowing him to discover his own love for Shakespeare has given him something he will carry through his life.

Now, if I can only get Mark to love Shakespeare.

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