Hound love

I am currently reading Where the Red Fern Grows out loud. Everyone is sits wide eyed wanting to know if Samie gets free from the trap and if Billy gets his dogs.

They sit a little closer as they listen to all the hard work that he did to earn money for his dogs and how it took him 2 years to save for them. They hear Grandpa’s pride at his grandson working so hard for something he wanted so much. They know that Grandpa will do whatever it takes to get his grandson those dogs.

For me, it is like being reunited with an old friend. As I remember reading it and the twist and turns the book will take, and how by the end there will be tears staining all of our faces.

What struck me as interesting though, was how that when Billy went to town to get his dogs- he was made fun of for being home schooled. How the boy questioning him couldn’t fathom that he went to school at home, his mamma was his teacher, and he didnt’ know what grade he was in. It made me laugh a little, especially since those questions are questions that we get asked. People always look at me with a questioning look when I tell them that I have no clue what grade Andrew should be in- although I do know how old he is if that will help place him in an appropriate grade 🙂

We are taking a short break. I feel in my heart that there is a good chance we will have finished the book by tonight. If not, certainly tomorrow morning. For what is more gripping to three kids who love adventure and dogs, then a book full of adventure and dogs read out loud to them while they snuggle on the sofa petting their dog.

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